Food & Cooking with Katie Chin, Amy Jurist & Beth Lee #423

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On this episode of GoalChat, host Debra Eckerling talks about food and cooking with Chef Katie Chin, Wok Star Catering; Amy Jurist, Amy’s Culinary Adventures; and Beth Lee from OMG! Yummy. All three guests have had other careers prior to rediscovering their love of cooking and jumping into the culinary world. Katie, Amy, and Beth share their backstories, their love of food, and tons of cooking tips. 

How to Level Up Your Cooking

– Katie: Start small. Get empowered! And remember, when cooking, Google and YouTube are your friends

– Amy: Take cooking classes

– Beth: Get one new ingredient and experiment with it


– Beth: Invite people over to eat

– Katie: Choose four ethnic cuisines, write them on slips of paper, put them in a hat, and choose one; find a restaurant with that cuisine to go to for dinner

– Amy: Decide what change you can make – little or big – to start living your dream life

Final Thoughts

– Beth: Have no fear. Just get in the kitchen and cook

– Amy: Enjoy the process

– Katie: Leap and the net will appear

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Katie Chin:

Amy Jurist:

Beth Lee:

Debra Eckerling:

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