Share the goodness!
Today’s guest has figured out how to BE the change she wants to be and now she works with organizations to do the same.
She is the founder of Good Enough Now, where she combines her experience as a stand up comic and her fifteen plus years of experience leading diversity trainings. She help groups move from abstract fears to actionable habits that lead teams to want to work together.
She is the author of “Good Enough Now: How Doing the Best We Can With What We Have is Better Than Doing Nothing.” Her book is an innovative and practical guide to ridding yourself of self-doubt, self-limiting beliefs, and habitual excuses.
Referred to as the “Margaret Cho” of Diversity Trainers, she blends politics, humor, identity, and local flair with big city passion and energy through direct, individualized, and interactive conversations. Her workshops, seminars, and keynotes don’t just leave participants invigorated but inspired and motivated to follow through with action to create change.
Please join me in welcoming Jessica Pettitt.
In this episode, we discuss:
- her thoughts on leadership: “a great leader understands the space they are in and how to serve those they are around. It isn’t about people who are in front of or behind you, just those who are around you.”
- how growing up in a family of storytellers and educators has formed her into the successful person she is today.
- how she has always been a connector by recognizing which people are on the outside, or what concepts are being skirted around, and pulling those people and ideas into the fold.
- how even through hosting a housewarming party she was able to create a space where her extended community made valuable connections with each other.
- her thoughts on the difference between direct and subliminal networking, and why subliminal messaging is crucial.
Listen, subscribe and read show notes at www.OntheSchmooze.com – episode 85