The Neuroscience of Innovation and Creativity, with Dr Britt Andreatta

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Britt is an internationally recognized thought leader who creates brain science–based solutions for today’s challenges. As CEO and President of 7th Mind, Inc.,Britt Andreatta draws on her unique background in leadership, neuroscience, psychology, and learning to unlock the best in people and organizations.

Britt has published several titles including Wired to Connect: The Brain Science of Teams and a New Model for Creating Collaboration and Inclusion, Wired to Grow: Harness the Power of Brain Science to Master Any Skill and Wired to Resist: The Brain Science of Why Change Fails and a New Model for Driving Success. Upcoming books focus on the neuroscience of purpose and the conscious evolution of organizations. 


Show Notes


“The most talented, thought-provoking, game-changing people are never normal. Richard Branson


Innovation and creativity are words that we are accustomed to hearing used interchangeably especially as it relates to entrepreneurship. But, how many of us know that they are actually quite different? This episode of The Entrepreneurial You Podcast explores all this from a neuro-science perspective. The conversation with Dr. Britt Andreatta was quite enlightening.


Here is a snippet of what Britt shared:


“From a neuroscience perspective, neuroscientists have been able to study what happens in the brain when we have that aha moment. They can set people up for the ‘aha moment’ and have them on an MRI machine. We know that when we’re having that burst in our mind of like, Oh, I have this new idea, we can see in the brain about a third of a second before that aha moment, there’s a burst of gamma waves above our right ear. 


There’s a certain part of the brain that’s called the anterior temporal gyrus. What we see is that there’s this gamma wave burst and also a rush of blood into that part of the brain. Then even a full second before that, scientists have found that there’s a burst of alpha waves in the right typical cortex, which is where we see; it’s part of our vision cortex. It suppresses vision for just a millisecond. Scientists call it the brain blink.”


Listen to the episode and let us know what is your biggest takeaway.


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