Share the goodness!
Those that have the ability to visualize in their brain who they can be and what that looks like tend to experience greater levels of personal success.
Helping others to see the potential within themselves and create opportunities for people to self-actualize will help them tap into who they can be.
Snippet from Jennifer:
You have to be able to conceptualize your natural talents. It doesn’t matter how much someone else tells you you’re wonderful, you have these skill sets, these are your natural talents. You have to self actualize it. And so, although I was receiving really positive feedback from my parents, I never self-actualized who I could have been. And so the pathways I chose were the easy pathways, for example, I went to the schools my brothers went to because that was the pathway that they led for me. I listened to my, you know, my elders about what I should do or couldn’t do.
About Jennifer
Jennifer Tomlinson is a college Professor of African American Studies and Interim Dean of Learning Support. As a success coach, she helps people find pathways to their aspirations through her strengths of communication and teaching.
Listen to the episode and share your biggest insight or learning moment.
Connect with Jennifer Tomlinson: LinkedIn | Instagram | Website| Youtube
Connect with Monique Russell: LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | Youtube
Produced by Breadfruit Media