OTS 285: Always in the Know – Jess M. Samuels

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Today’s guest is a maven, passionate about learning and sharing what she’s learned.

She is an accumulator of knowledge with an emphasis on technology, communication, and organization. She wants her team and her community to have access to the tools, resources, and information that will make their lives and jobs easier. She believes there is nothing better than helping someone else feel empowered with a new skill and newfound confidence.

Relationships are important to her, and working in a collaborative team environment excites her every day.

On a personal note, today’s guest is also my wife. My business success is possible because I have her ongoing support and encouragement.

Please join me in welcoming Jess M. Samuels.

In this episode we discuss:

  • her thoughts on leadership: “Leadership is knowing what kind of leader to be. It’s being organized to see other people’s visions come to fruition. I lead from the middle.”
  • her experience in school learning academics through the creative process.
  • her college experience and going in undecided while following a science path just in case that’s what she wanted to do.
  • how she became involved in Residence Life in her second year in college.
  • her learning how to speak out in more creative ways. discovering how to make a plan to dive into Residence Life.
  • the confidence Jess built in the position. the experience of nurturing her network in a big city (Boston, MA).
  • what she learned during her 12-year position at Simmons College.
  • how she transitioned into EdTech.
  • her strategy of using her network to connect with people in the EdTech field.
  • how she grows and nurtures her network.

Listen, subscribe and read show notes at www.OnTheSchmooze.com.