How Sophie Ozoux of Kin, Owns It
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Hi and welcome to the OWN IT podcast, where we celebrate the growing number of (women and non-binary) ad agency owners and talk about buying out of the boys’ club of advertising, one agency at a time.
Today, we’re talking to Sophie Ozoux from Kin. Sophie brings a diverse worldview to her work. She is French, but spent time in her youth in Africa and Saudi Arabia. She has also lived and worked in Paris, New York and L.A.
Her work has taken her through several large agencies, plus Coca-Cola on the brand side as well.
She co-founded Kin as a creative agency that champions social change through culture. We talk about her evolution to ownership and the purpose behind what Kin does.
It was such a delight to get to know her and learn her perspective on closing the agency gap in the advertising business.
Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT. Find Sophie Ozoux and Kin online at workwithkin.com. You should connect with her on LinkedIn as well. We’ll have those links in our show notes.
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