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Episode 1 of the Collective Cafe. 2:08
Introduction to today’s episode. 6:24
Why lottery winners go broke after winning the lottery. 12:10
My trip to Las Vegas. 18:05
When you’re recording, you have to be able to apply contingency plans. 22:51
PowerPoint doesn’t suck, you do. 27:20
We’ve been putting on masks and wearing masks and creating facades and boundaries. 32:21
It’s impossible to know what is going on behind closed doors. 36:16
When we ask someone how they are doing, we need to be able to deal with the consequences of what they say. 41:19
What does it mean to be “All In”? 46:11
Sharyn talks about her new podcast. 51:45
Joseph’s brand is a little bit of a what you see is what you get and a lot of improvising. 56:40