How Salma Gottfried and Flor Leibeschoff of Beautiful Beast, Own It
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Hi and welcome to the OWN IT podcast, where we celebrate the growing number of (women and non-binary) ad agency owners and talk about buying out of the boys’ club of advertising, one agency at a time.
Today we’re talking to the dynamic duo of Salma Gottfried and Flor Leibeschoff of Beautiful Beast. Their agency started as a Hispanic-focused multicultural agency, but quickly grew into a dynamic cross-cultural firm. Salma was born and raised in Mexico City. Flor navigated a meteoric rise through the biggest agencies in Argentina.
They came together in Dallas, Texas and co-created Beautiful Beast just last year. In fact, their one-year anniversary is coming up next month.
Our conversation was so rich because these two women are literally in the early stages of building an agency. Being bold was their theme for last year and bold they were.
Because their entrepreneurship and path to ownership is new, they have some very smart and pointed perspectives on the gender gap in agency ownership. This will be one of those episodes I refer back to often. I’m sure you will too.
Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with Salma Gottfried and Flor Leibeschoff of Beautiful Beast. You can find links to their LinkedIn profiles and Beautiful Beast’s website in our show notes at untilyouownit.com.
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Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address … untilyouownit.com.