How Ellen Faulkner of Lewis Communications, Owns It
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In this week’s episode of OWN IT, we’re talking to Ellen Faulkner of Lewis Communications. We are going to learn a lot this week. Ellen is the CEO of Lewis where she has been for almost 39 years. She started as an account coordinator, but moved up and was SVP and managing director until last year.
Interestingly enough, she purposefully avoided ownership. But as time went on, she joined five others to take over the business from the former owner. She’s been the CEO for the last year and a half.
Now Ellen is also a bit of a legacy in our topic of ownership. Her mother owned the first woman-owned real estate company in the South Alabama region.
Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with Ellen Faulkner of Lewis Communications. You can find links to her LinkedIn profile and the agency website in our show notes at untilyouownit.com.
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