How Jess Hickman and Louise Rengozzi of The Cusp, Own It
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On this week’s episode of OWN IT, we’re talking to Louise Rengozzi and Jess Hickman from The Cusp. This dynamic duo has worked together in various stops along their journey, but joined forces to found The Cusp earlier this year. So we’re catching them on the very beginning of their journey as owners.
Louise and Jess are based in Whales in the United Kingdom. We talked about their decision to launch The Cusp, the thinking behind their firm and of course, the challenges we face as female owners in a male dominated industry. It’s always great to get new perspectives on Owning It.
Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with Louise Rengozzi and Jess Hickman from The Cusp. You can find links to their LinkedIn profiles and the agency website in our show notes at untilyouownit.com.
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