Joseph Jaffe is Not Famous

Hosted ByJoseph Jaffe

Joseph Jaffe is Not Famous is Joseph Jaffe’s daily streaming show on all things business, marketing, creativity, culture, startups and entrepreneurship. Every weekday at 2pm EST, he streams live on Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube. Find out more and subscribe at JaffeJuice.TV

Collaboration is the New Competition with Priscilla McKinney

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Reacting without a system can lead to chaos; responding with a system leads to progress.” – Priscilla McKinney 


In this week’s episode of “Joseph Jaffe is not Famous,” I sat down with Priscilla McKinney, the author of “Collaboration is the New Competition.” Together, we dove deep into the world of collaboration, sharing insights, anecdotes, and a touch of humor along the way. Priscilla’s book explores why collaboration is crucial in today’s world and how it can reshape the future of work.

PS Don’t forget to play 2 Truths and a Lie – 


Here are my show notes: 


10m – ABH (Always Be Helping)

13m – Never be ashamed to sell; be upfront

15m – Sticky weird selling

16m – What do you need?

18m – Gain v Lose; Gain v Give

23m – Doesn’t have to be fair; balanced; Long game

38m – S.O.A.R.

41m – Reacting / EOS / Ryan Halliday – The Object is the Way; Reactive v Reaction

44m – Trust your reaction; Rubric

48-52m – Scarcity and Hoarding; Zero Sum; Indigenous People

54m – Nietzsche – the Abyss

55m – Queen Bee; Busy Bee

56m – Collaboration isn’t Chaos

1h – That’s just geography quote (GOLD)



Because it consists of billions of bidirectional interactions every day, Twitter can be thought of as a collective, cybernetic super-intelligence.” – Elon Musk



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