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Happy New Year 2024 Goal Getters! On this episode of The Deb Show, host Debra Eckerling is joined by Influencer Marketing Consultant Gordon Glenister, Creative Director Seth Goldstein, and Systems Architect Evelyn Pacitti to ring in the new year. The panel shared their 2023 wins and challenges, their 2024 aspirations, and inspiration and advice for the new year!
Wins from 2023
- Seth: Increasing Entrepreneurs Enigma episodes to twice a week; finding the work-family balance
- Gordon: Doing some great work with the Technology for Marketing show: an outstanding influencer campaign plus running the first ever top 100 marketing influencers index; representing the 50+ set through modeling
- Evelyn: Showing up and doing marketing; showing up for herself and her family
Guests’ Mottos
- Evelyn: Serenity has a price, but it’s always worth it
- Seth: Everyone’s overnight success was 10 years in the making
- Gordon: Helping people create the connections that count
- Seth: Just get started
- Gordon: Do a personal brand assessment. It allows you to reflect on how you are perceived online, before you start to create new strategies
- Evelyn: Measurability. Pick one goal, set a metric, and check in with yourself every two months to see how you are doing. Be sure to put those check-ins on your calendar
Final Thoughts
- Gordon: Believe in yourself
- Evelyn: There is more flexibility in life than we give it credit for. Take the moments to explore the boundaries as well.
- Seth: Happy New Year!
Learn More:
Gordon Glenister:
Seth Goldstein:
Evelyn Pacitti:
Debra Eckerling:
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