Own It

Hosted ByChristy Hiler

We’re buying out of the ad industry boys’ club. Hosted by Cornett owner Christy Hiler, Own It lifts up the stories of women and nonbinary ad agency owners: their challenges, their successes, and their goals for the industry. We’re aiming to start a movement—because you don’t have the power until you own it.

How Flor Leibaschoff of Beautiful Beast, Owns It

Share the goodness!

This week on Own It, we have a different episode than normal. We are welcoming back Flor Leibaschoff, who visited us with her partner Salma Gottfried, to talk about their journeys to owning BeautifulBeast. That was Episode 45, which we’ll link in our show notes.

Flor is back this week to talk about an equally important gap to fill in agency ownership and that is of Hispanic and Latina representation as owners, but also to quantify and understand Latina representation at every level of the advertising business. We talk about the fact there simply aren’t enough facts to inform what needs to be done and how Flor is leading the charge to survey the industry to find them.

Find the survey at https://latinasleadingsurvey.com/

Flor is originally from Argentina and has worked globally for many years. She is absolutely the right person to spearhead this effort and we in the Own It community are behind her all the way.

This is an important episode. Thank you for listening!

You can find links to Flor’s LinkedIn profile and the agency website in our show notes at untilyouownit.com. You can find the survey at https://latinasleadingsurvey.com/.

If you’re enjoying Own It, please find it on your favorite podcast app and drop us a rating and review. Those help more people discover the show and join our community. 

Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address … untilyouownit.com.