How Erin Regan of Full Contact Advertising, Owns It
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This week on Own It, we’re talking to Erin Regan from Full Contact Advertising. It is a full-service creative agency based in Boston. Its purpose is to Make Impact, and boy, do they!
Erin worked for several large agencies and a couple of brands over the years, the last several of which have been focused on driving growth. She said she has been fortunate to have strong women leaders above her through the years which have given her a great foundation for strength in ownership.
We talked about that journey, her point of view on the industry and, of course, her thoughts on how we can close the gender gap in agency ownership. We had such a fun conversation. We’re sure you’ll enjoy it.
Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with Erin Regan from Full Contact Advertising. You can find links to her LinkedIn profiles and firm website in our show notes at untilyouownit.com.
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