How Caitlin Masingill of Full Swing Public Relations, Owns It
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Hi and welcome to the OWN IT podcast, where we celebrate the growing number of (women and non-binary) ad agency owners and talk about buying out of the boys’ club of advertising, one agency at a time.
Today, we’re talking to Caitlin Masingill of Full Swing Public Relations. She hails from Boise, Idaho, and wanted to be a broadway actress before she found the wonderful world of agency life.
Now, her agency journey and insights about ownership and the main topic we discuss here of closing the gender gap in agency ownership is well worth hearing. But Caitlin’s path to being ready to own it is both incredible and inspirational.
In 2012, she became the first openly LGBTQ person elected to the Missoula, Montana city council after being frustrated with “no” votes for an anti-discrimination ordinance. That “first” status led to a role in a large public affairs firm.
You just have to hear her tell the story. She is so brilliant and inspiring. I loved this conversation so much. I know you will, too.
Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT. You can find links to Caitlin’s LinkedIn profile and agency’s website in our show notes at untilyouownit.com.
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Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address … untilyouownit.com.