PR Talk

Hosted ByAmy Rosenberg

PR Talk interviews the media for a change. What makes them tick? What are their PR pet peeves? And most importantly, how can we get stories placed? The marketing, PR and media advice we provide is for everyone — whether you’re a newbie looking to get into the field, or a senior-level pro keeping up-to-date with current trends. Along the way, we learn about careers in media to aid aspiring journalists!

Stop Networking and Start Building Relationships with Dan Bruton

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After being featured on the PDX Executive podcast, Amy invited the host and founder of Agate Executive Communications, Dan Bruton, to come on the PR Talk Podcast. In this episode, Dan shared his approach to event curation that fosters lasting relationships and how people attending events can also get the most out of their connections. 

Read the full write-up here:

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