OTS 227: A Compelling Offer – Brandon Fong

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Today’s guest didn’t start life with many advantages, but his parents taught him that resourcefulness is a FAR greater asset than resources.

Before he turned 25, he became a published author, launched a product that made $44,738 in one week, took over the business development of a 7-figure online education company, traveled the world to 23 countries with his wife, and networked his way into an exclusive mastermind for the world’s top thought leaders that costs $25,000/yr to attend.

He is on a mission to change the global conversation around what “success” means for an entire generation of entrepreneurs through his newest brand, 7-Figure Millennials. The movement’s focus is to inspire millennial entrepreneurs to pursue BIG financial goals while PRIORITIZING their happiness, health, and relationships.

Please join me in welcoming Brandon Fong.

In this episode we discuss:

  • his/her thoughts on leadership: “Leadership helping other people to become the very best version of themselves and empowering them to leverage that in whatever team setting they are in.”
  • how his parents encouraged him and taught him to be resourceful above all else and to not always be the “smartest in the room” forcing him to ask questions and open his eyes to the world.
  • how being on the free lunch program as a kid fueled his desire to be successful.
  • the impact of Jonathan Levi to the world and how Jonathan personally affected him during their years of working together.
  • how he leveraged his learning to be successful in his love for working with entrepreneurs.
  • his dream to help others build businesses that not only make an impact and bring in revenue but make them happy.
  • his framework called “The Magic Connection” which was made specifically to help people enrich their email list and help the list response; the hook, the irresistible offer, wrap it up and get people to respond to it by including a “no” oriented question.
  • his email tips to build networks and secure open rates and responses.

Listen, subscribe and read show notes at www.OnTheSchmooze.com – episode 227.