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Episode” 133 of our week-daily virtual coffee, which takes place in Alpha Collective’s discord server: discord.gg/alphacollective and Zoom (see below) from 8-9am EST. It’s free and open to anyone from anywhere in the world.
Part 2 of our LIVE read of “Happier.” Today we covered the “Hamburger Model” to Happiness: Rat Race, Hedonist, Nihilist and Happy Archetypes
Show notes based on our discussion (as per Otter.ai’s beta tool):
The relationship between food and happiness. (5:36)
The relationship between present and future enjoyment. (10:51)
The illusion of happiness through achievements. (16:47)
Finding happiness despite life’s challenges. (21:01)
The pursuit of pleasure and happiness. (26:35)
Personal growth and happiness. (33:49)
Nihilism, helplessness, and finding happiness. (39:10)
Finding happiness through present and future benefits. (43:19)
Career goals, happiness, and personal growth. (48:19)
Finding happiness through purposeful living. (52:55)
About Alpha Collective:
Alpha Collective is a professional organization helping marketers with Web3, AI and whatever comes next.
Benefits of full membership includes: access to 52 Alpha Talks across 52 consecutive weeks (see list of Speakers on alphacollective.xyz), IRL events, Masterminds, Workshops, Networking opportunities and the ability join the Collective Cafe stage at any time and/or start your own coffee. Find out more and buy your pass at alphacollective.xyz
Zoom details: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89992122338?pwd=NGJFbGh2U2VDMytRMjF3S1loWFlCQT09
Meeting ID: 899 9212 2338 Passcode: 13579
Audio only: +1 646 931-3860
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