All Things Private Practice

All Things Private Practice Podcast is where we dive deep into the gritty, unfiltered world of being a mental health entrepreneur and a private practice owner. Join us as we explore the emotional roller coaster of this wild journey, tackling the raw and unapologetic aspects that often go unspoken. In each episode, we fearlessly dissect the dark corners of self-doubt, resilience, impostor syndrome, and paralyzing perfectionism. No sugar-coating here. This is where we get down and dirty, exposing the messy reality that comes with building your own mental health private practice. Hosted in an interview-style format, we bring you authentic conversations with entrepreneurs who have wrestled with their demons and emerged victorious. We delve into their stories of triumph, failure, and everything in between. Prepare yourself for unfiltered tales of blood, sweat, and tears, as our guests share their journeys of self-discovery and growth. It’s time to strip away the glossy facade and embrace the rawness that lies beneath the surface. We challenge societal norms, smash through glass ceilings, and unapologetically question the status quo. Brace yourself for a podcast that isn’t afraid to confront the messy reality head-on. Tune in every Saturday as we release new episodes, igniting your entrepreneurial fire and propelling you forward on your private practice odyssey. This is the All Things Private Practice Podcast, where authenticity meets audacity, and the road to success is paved with resilience.

Episode 90: Business Partnerships: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly [featuring Kate Campbell & Katie Lemieux]

Many therapists starting private practice consider working with a partner. Some may feel motivated by impostor syndrome around going into business alone, or they may just have a friendly relationship with another therapist and think that starting a business together sounds great. Whatever the reason, partnerships can be really amazing, but they also can be…

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Episode 89: Pushing Boundaries Through Liberatory Leadership [featuring Shawna Murray-Browne]

There are many mental health professionals who step into entrepreneurship so that they can shape a business around the needs they see in their community. It can be a challenging, controversial, and personal road to take, but the impact of building a business around your specific calling can leave a strong and lasting impact on…

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Episode 88: Living & Working Abroad Through Imperfect Action [featuring Marina O’Connor]

Many entrepreneurs romanticize and fantasize about the idea of leaving everything behind to move to another country and work remotely. It can seem like the adventure of a lifetime, and it might be, but there is more to it than just moving to your location with a laptop in hand. Like all big changes, there…

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Episode 87: Entrepreneurial Burnout… Thank You. Next. [featuring Kasey Compton]

If you’re a therapist in private practice, you are most likely a bit of an overachiever and will face burnout as you develop and run your business. There can be this drive to do more and make more, and it’s easy to get distracted by comparison traps and overwhelm. But there are ways to systematically…

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Episode 86: Don’t Talk About Struggle? Fuck That! [featuring Nam Rindani]

“Success is hidden in the struggles. Happiness is hidden in what hurts.” There’s an unsexy side to entrepreneurship that often gets overlooked and not talked about even though it is also more common than the glamorous shell that many entrepreneurs put online. The persona of the rich entrepreneur sitting on a beach drinking cocktails is…

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Episode 85: Tearing Down The Mental Health Industrial Complex [featuring Elizabeth McCorvey]

Many aspects of the mental health field as we know it are systemically based and built on values sourced from colonialism, white supremacy, and Christianity. As a result, there is often a lot of secrecy around the practice of therapy, and it can be very difficult to access for certain communities. If you want to…

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Episode 84: “Scared Money Don’t Make Money” [featuring Mikah Miller]

Entrepreneurship involves putting yourself on the line and placing faith in ideas and actions that you can’t 100% know will be as successful as you want, but often times the thing that limits that success and places those doubts is based on inner child wounds around past trauma and fears. Those might show up as…

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Episode 83: Success + Never-Ending Impostor Syndrome [featuring Shaelene Kite]

Many therapists who step into entrepreneurship get struck with fears around if they are doing things right, whether can they be successful, and when will everything come crashing down and everyone find out that they suck at this? Basically, impostor syndrome on a rampage… And it’s normal to feel it and to question yourself, but…

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Episode 82: The Benefits of Putting People Over Profit [featuring Amanda Landry]

Starting a private therapy practice means becoming a business owner, wearing all the hats, and being more than just a therapist. It can feel stressful to suddenly have to step into a non-therapy role, especially if you never learned how or if you flat-out hate doing the necessary tasks that come with business ownership. These…

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Episode 81: Balancing Impostor Syndrome With Success [featuring Megan Kelly]

Even the most successful therapists and entrepreneurs get hit with impostor syndrome from time to time. It can leave you questioning the choices you make even when things are going well, and it takes resilience to combat it. As an entrepreneur, you will often take risks, and not everything will turn out as you imagined…

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