Bridge to U

Bridge to U focuses on diversity, inclusion and understanding for black cultures. The vastness of the African diaspora requires us all to do our own D&I work. This work is necessary in order to build up unity through conversations and insights required for an awakened and aligned way of living as Black people.

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

“Don’t be afraid to experiment with video storytelling. Trust your gut and avoid being a perfectionist.” Black Leadership influences what we see and hear in the media. When sharing positive Black stories, aligning yourself with leaders who can help you amplify your message is a must. It is not always about money, but a lot…

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Diversity and Inclusion in Black Cultures

I just had to bring these ladies back for a joint episode and when you listen to it you will understand why. Jessica Reed is a writer, youth educator, and proud ice cream lover from Detroit, Michigan. She first appeared in episode 4. Jennifer Tomlinson is a college Professor of African American Studies and Interim…

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Faux Emotional Intelligence & the Journey to True Inner Peace

“I think what happens is the more you learn about yourself and embrace it, it is not a surprise but people can no longer use it against you as a weapon, when you honor it and decide whether you like it or not. When I say I don’t like that trait about myself, it doesn’t…

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Alternative Education & Self-Identity

Alternative environments and exposure at an early age prime individuals to live a life of nonconformity, and challenge the status quo. This early foundation helps to create a pathway to self-discovery. When your environment is predominantly different from people that look like you, it can create feelings of disassociation of self and a disconnect to…

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Comparing the Black African and American Lived Experience

Fatsani Dogani is a nurse, published author, entrepreneur, speaker, healthcare consultant, and also considers herself a global citizen. Born in Malawi and now based in California Fatsani was blessed with the opportunity to live in Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, and the United Kingdom. As a self professed  global citizen Fatsani goes by the adage that our experiences…

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Colorism and Hair

“Colorism and hair influence who you date and marry…” The power of identity and understanding oneself can lead to connecting and understanding other people. Hair is a powerful part of the way Black people view and see themselves.  Start within to embrace all parts of who you are.  Take an active role in learning your…

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Activism and Active Listening

Have you ever considered yourself to be an activist? You may be one already and aren’t aware of it. There is nothing more challenging than moving through life without intention and that includes activism.  We thrive on creating what Micky Scottbey Jones calls Brave Space.  In this episode, I discuss: The 5 things you need…

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Global Chamber of Commerce for The African Diaspora

Have you ever wondered why Black people and nations seem to have difficulty doing business with each other? Dr. Melida Harris Barrow dissects the patterns that Black people have been educated to serve instead of create and build. In addition, many black nations, particularly in Africa, tend to do business with the country of the…

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Decolonize Your Curriculum: The Decade of Introspective Leadership

The purpose of education is to build wealth: social, emotional, mental, spiritual, financial and communal. We are more linked and connected to the struggle of Black people than we understand. If we can get the youth to understand more of their history, who they are, why they behave the way they behave, and why the…

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Tribal Division Starts at Home: Confront the Mindset

If you have seen humanity at its best, removing divisive thoughts and negative bias is easier. Be able to recognize the moments when you have been helped by strangers that do not have a similar background. Be intentional in imagining yourself in another person’s shoes. Look at the other perspective.  Read the biography and stop…

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