Influence Global Podcast

Hosted ByGordon Glenister

Influence the Global podcast shines a spotlight on the influencer marketing industry. In these episodes you will hear from leading influencers, digital creators, influencer platforms, agencies, legal experts and brands who will share life experiences, insights and strategies to help you. Hosted by Gordon Glenister, Global Head of Influencer Marketing at the Branded Content Marketing Association (BCMA) who launched a new division, BCMA Influence, to support the influencer marketing industry. So if you want to find out more, subscribe to listen. Produced by Neil Whiteside at Freedom:One

All Episodes

S7 Ep14: How To Create Awesome Video Content Ft. Dan Barker

Dan Barker is a former aerospace engineer who now runs a video production company focused on helping manufacturers.

S7 Ep13: Find Your Passion Says Global Wildlife Photograher And Entrepreneur Ft. Roie Galitz

Roie Galitz (born 1980) is an award-winning, NYC based, wildlife photographer and entrepreneur.

S7 Ep12: The Best Side Hustle – Property Development Ft. Ritchie Clapson

In this episode we talk with influential property developer Ritchie Clapson about how to make that side hustle really turn to gold.

S7 Ep11: What It’s Like Inside A Music Talent Agency Ft. Mark Adams

Mark Adams is the Founder & CEO of Blinding Talent, a UK-based Artist Development, Digital Marketing and Creative Services agency.

S7 Ep10: How Did The Influencer Marketing Industry Start Ft. Danielle Wiley

Danielle is widely recognized as an industry leader in content marketing, influencer marketing and social media strategy.

S7 Ep9: How To Achieve $12m Sales In A Year On Tiktok Shop Ft. Matt ‘Dappz’ McGuckin

Matt ‘Dappz’ McGuckin is the Founder of Dappz Sports, the largest cross platform sports and entertainment media company in the trading cards and signed memorabilia hobby.

S7 Ep8: PR Bets Big On AI, But Will It Work Says PR Week Editor Ft. John Harrington

John Harrington is an experienced journalist with more than two decades in the trade media, latterly writing about the communications industry

S7 Ep7: 90m Global Influencers Now Earn $100k Per Annum Ft. William Soulier

Entrepreneur and expert marketeer, William has over 10 years experience in the luxury, fashion & hospitality industries

B2B Influencer Marketing From Global Giant Nokia Ft. Zsuzsanna Blau

Zsuzsanna Blau is global head of digital demand and campaigns at Nokia