Fearless Business Podcast

Hosted ByJamie Lieberman

The FearLess Business Podcast provides a behind the scenes look at all of the topics you may be afraid to tackle in your business, but shouldn’t be. Bringing combined expertise from legal, manufacturing and running their own businesses, Jamie and Mary bring great guests and insights from their experiences to provide listeners with valuable information to help move their businesses forward.

63: Unlock the Mystery: Maximizing Ad Revenue with Amber Bracegirdle

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Think display ads are a waste of time and website real estate?

Think again.

For many bloggers, running ads was a first, failed attempt at monetization. Frustrated with a lack of control over what ads were served to their readers, an impossibly slow load time, and/or an unexpectedly low payout, they eventually chalked the experience up as a lesson learned, removing the ads and never looking back.

But like everything else on the digital landscape, advertising has changed and evolved. Running display ads can most definitely generate real revenue, providing a lucrative and relatively passive income stream. The key is optimizing your site for your advertising— and your advertising for your audience.
There is always a loss in user experience to add advertising to your site. That doesn’t mean don’t do it. It just means that the return on that advertising needs to be worth it.

Amber Bracegirdle
This week on the Businessese Influencer Marketing Podcast, Amber Bracegirdle unlocks the mystery behind best practices for maximizing ad revenue. Amber is a co-founder at Mediavine, a full service ad management company working with 4000 bloggers across the entire lifestyle spectrum, as well as the managing editor of FoodFanatic.com and co-host of the Theory of Content podcast.

Amber is all about SEO and making the business of blogging better, and she shares all the good stuff in this episode! Listen in as she goes over:

* why placing ads on your site can be a gamechanger
* how Mediavine’s ad system differs from others, generating more income
* “affiliate marketing and ads don’t mix” and two more digital advertising myths
* how display advertising affects SEO
* how website owners can optimize for ad income— and the biggest mistakes they often make
* who should start adding ads to their site (hint: it’s not everybody)

What has your experience running ads been like? What are your top tips— or your most trying trials? Let’s talk it out over in Businessese HQ.

Mediavine and the Mediavine Facebook group
Food Fanatic
The Theory of Content podcast
Travel Blogging and Monetization with Amanda Williams
The Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon and the Harry Potter series from J.K. Rowling
How Not to Hate Your Husband After Kids by Jancee Dunn
Contact Amber: amber@mediavine.com

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Monetization Tips for Influencers with Jenny Guy
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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