Snippets of Genius with Caroline Kay

Hosted ByCaroline Kay

Snippets of Genius is a lighthearted business Podcast with some brilliant insights into how you can attract and cultivate success. In each episode GENIUS guests from the worlds of business development, marketing, design and wellness, share the ballsy, daring moves they made to burst opportunities wide open. Join Caroline Kay for a good old chit chat on how to decide, define, and develop anything you want in your career or business.

S2 Ep1: Part One: Terry Tyrrell’s Lucky Breaks, BHAGs and Risk Taking.

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Series 2, Episode 1 of Snippets of Genius has arrived and it’s a belter with industry legend Terry Tyrrell. We are taken on a whistle stop tour of his risk taking, BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) and his lucky breaks, we cram 40 years of pivotal moments into 40 minutes! Get ready for the first 20 minutes to set you up for huge growth.

To this day, Tyrrell’s three values are: gutsy, grounded, and curious. Prepare your notepads, as Tyrrell recounts all his tried and tested secrets using these values as his guide to navigate the lucky breaks, and his actionable strategies to start, scale and build a global business. 

We go on a journey from the back room of an Ad agency office in Old Burlington Street, Mayfair to 23 offices around the world. This episode is jam packed with insights into achieving BHAGs. 

Tune in and you’ll learn: 
* How Terry Tyrrell and Sam Sampson went from design graduates to scaling to 23 offices around the world
* Why these three values: gutsy, grounded, curious. were the building blocks to it all
* What you must consider when opportunity comes a knocking! 
* The genius moves to keep building a brand and a business they loved
* What made the big boys, including Sir Martin Sorrell himself, sit up and take notice. 
* Expert advice on when to take the big risks on your startup (and when to think twice)
* What to watch out for when you decide to go all in!
* Why you will need to pay your team more than you pay yourself! 
* What you need to know to keep fame growing over an extended period of time
* The 2 critical ingredients you need to build a thriving culture and your critical starting point. 
* Who you need on your team to scale and the attributes they must have
* The must read book for all CEO’s …and more!

Listen Now!

And, after you’ve heard his amazing story, be sure to get in touch and tell me what you think were the critical factors behind Terry and Sam’s runaway success?

Are you clear on your values and how to navigate the toughest decisions you are bound to face?

If it’s a ‘hell yes’! Then please share with me how you will put his words of wisdom into action by your own rules.

Need some help with defining your values and growth strategy? Sign up for my next FREE Masterclass and let me show you how. 

Last. but my no means least, make sure you get this book on your reading list today. 

Built to Last – Jim Collins Jerry Porris:Successful Habits of Visionary Companies

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