Snippets of Genius with Caroline Kay

Hosted ByCaroline Kay

Snippets of Genius is a lighthearted business Podcast with some brilliant insights into how you can attract and cultivate success. In each episode GENIUS guests from the worlds of business development, marketing, design and wellness, share the ballsy, daring moves they made to burst opportunities wide open. Join Caroline Kay for a good old chit chat on how to decide, define, and develop anything you want in your career or business.

S2 Ep4: Part two: Jo Youle – 5 tips to breakthrough to the next level of your business

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It’s here! Part 2 of my interview with Jo Youle, Creative audio specialist, hostess of the Reset Rebel and all round rockstar. Get ready to breakthrough barriers and approach the next stage of your business in a whole new way. 
We dive into what the future holds for Jo and how she will continue to carve her path using the best tips, advice and resources to guide her and you along the way.

Tune in and you’ll learn

* The most powerful thing you can do right now
* What will take you longer than you think in business 
* The 1 critical factor to achieve the next level of success
* Jo’s biggest heroes and best resources and why they inspire her to aim even higher
* Inspiration for a newsletter that will get readership everyday

Missed Episode 1?  Find it here. 
Got the podcasting creator bug? Check out Jo’s go to resource:

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