Snippets of Genius with Caroline Kay

Hosted ByCaroline Kay

Snippets of Genius is a lighthearted business Podcast with some brilliant insights into how you can attract and cultivate success. In each episode GENIUS guests from the worlds of business development, marketing, design and wellness, share the ballsy, daring moves they made to burst opportunities wide open. Join Caroline Kay for a good old chit chat on how to decide, define, and develop anything you want in your career or business.

S2 Ep5: Part One: Charlotte Diaz – The simple mistake founders make with their people and the one invaluable fix

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Ready to scale your business? Would you like to avoid the simple and costly mistakes founders make with their people? Tune in to today’s episode and learn the simple mistake you can avoid and best of all the invaluable fix from the one and only Charlotte Diaz.

Charlotte came from a world where excellence came as standard within Betty’s and Taylors Group; one of the most prestigious brands in the north of England. Charlotte served here as their Group HR Director for 21 happy years. Charlotte’s abilities contributed to the creation of a very healthy business with a turnover of £125M and 1400 employees.

I’m delighted to share with you Charlotte’s passion for value led businesses her insights and big lessons as she leaped from the career to becoming a business owner.

Charlotte’s business, Cirrus HR, help’s purpose driven entrepreneurs connect their people with their purpose. To add to this, Charlotte recently became a certified B-Corp leader. Today’s show unpacks what this means and the opportunities for businesses everywhere, including yours, to make the world that much more wonderful.

Tune in and learn:
*How you can put your money where your mouth is and do business for good
*What the sixth sense is in business
*The steps you need to take to bring your team into alignment.
*How you can save time on recruitment and actually get people to select themselves out of the process
*The secrets to inspire and nurture your team
*The simplest thing you can do right now to build the right team
*Why and what might be causing problems in your business and the simple fix

Charlotte and I worked together last year, (read more here) and I’m deeply grateful to have been on Charlotte’s journey. Charlotte has designed her business to attract the clients she wants to serve and build the business on her terms so that she can live her best and most beautiful life.

Join us again next week for part 2, where Charlotte shares the 5 pitfalls business owners make and how to avoid them. Plus her top resources, biggest inspirations and more!

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