Cultural Struggles are Standard in Immigrant Life

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In the guest chair for this episode is Paula Okonneh. Paula Okonneh is a woman in Tech leader and entrepreneur. As a self described Tech lover, this baby boomer sees herself as an encourager to other women especially seasoned immigrant women who struggle to have a voice while at the same time being intimidated by technology.

What do you do when you are an immigrant in another country? How do you plan to be successful and embrace the unknown? Cultural struggles are a standard part of immigrant life. Even if you successfully adapt, and remain flexible, understand that differences and misunderstandings are a part of the process. In order to avoid succumbing to negative thoughts about your status as an immigrant, keep an open mind, understand the nuances and differences of the cultures you are leaving and moving into, recognize that struggles are a part of the story, and learn to showcase yourself.

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Produced by Breadfruit Media

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Produced by Breadfruit Media