Snippets of Genius with Caroline Kay

Hosted ByCaroline Kay

Snippets of Genius is a lighthearted business Podcast with some brilliant insights into how you can attract and cultivate success. In each episode GENIUS guests from the worlds of business development, marketing, design and wellness, share the ballsy, daring moves they made to burst opportunities wide open. Join Caroline Kay for a good old chit chat on how to decide, define, and develop anything you want in your career or business.

S3 Ep2: The secrets, the changes and the catalysts to Kate Bradley Chernis’ entrepreneurial journey

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How much do you think you’ll change over the next 10 years? How much to think you have changed in the last decade? What do you predict will happen? Can you imagine? 

Imagining your own is hard, Kate’s is unbelievable! This could be an epic movie, a binge worthy TV series.. Kate even jokes the book will be good. 

Introducing the first of three roller-coaster snippets, here’s a glimpse of what’s in this episode:

*Truly unfair life events have taken their toll to the point she couldn’t see her way out. 
*The lawless world of Radio; what seemed a glamorous career on the surface and the dark reality underneath.
*The moment Kate lost the ability to use her hands and any keyboard ever again and what she did next. 
*An unusual job requires usual talents and family support that helped pave the way for her first agency and now business

Kate shares the secrets to her success and the catalysts that changed her world and created her future self that we know today.

Tune in and learn:
*Why you need to be open to the change and the catalysts to watch out for
*Why having a glass half empty can be useful for CEO
*The power of your gut and why you must listen
*Why you must doll your asks out carefully as a leader 
*How you can turn around your life and the lives of those closest to you with small changes
*The negative talk that’s keeping you stuck
*The secret to earning the salary you always wanted

Tune in for the second part of Kate’s entrepreneurial journey next week where the roller-coaster takes a turn and goes up…followed very fast by another pull back down.

In the meantime, come over to the Snippets of Genius Facebook Group to ask questions, get training and feedback on all the hot topics covered in these episodes. 

Connect with Kate:

Book references: 
The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything Hardcover –
by Guy Kawasaki 

Kitchen Confidential Updated Edition: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly 
by Anthony Bourdain

The Secret Hardcover  
by Rhonda Byrne

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