Own It

Hosted ByChristy Hiler

We’re buying out of the ad industry boys’ club. Hosted by Cornett owner Christy Hiler, Own It lifts up the stories of women and nonbinary ad agency owners: their challenges, their successes, and their goals for the industry. We’re aiming to start a movement—because you don’t have the power until you own it.

How Carrie Kerpen of Likeable, Owns It

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Today, we’re talking to Carrie Kerpen of Likeable. Her agency was one of the early firms to lay claim on social media expertise and her business exploded with the trend. But she says that early and fast growth covered up a lot of problems she had to work through and learn from.

Carrie tells us about the power of having a clear vision for your agency and why you should think about selling your agency even if you aren’t ready to sell your agency. She says building it to sell will make your agency stronger, whether you sell it or not. And she has a great tool to help you determine how sellable your business is today, called the Whisper Score.

I loved this conversation. Carrie is full of energy. I learned a lot here and know you will, too.

Show Links:

Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT. with Carrie Kerpen of Likeable. You can find links to Carrie’s LinkedIn prfile and Likeable‘s agency website in our show notes at untilyouownit.com.

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Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address … untilyouownit.com.