Joseph Jaffe is Not Famous

Hosted ByJoseph Jaffe

Joseph Jaffe is Not Famous is Joseph Jaffe’s daily streaming show on all things business, marketing, creativity, culture, startups and entrepreneurship. Every weekday at 2pm EST, he streams live on Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube. Find out more and subscribe at JaffeJuice.TV

Press Forward with Neal Conlon

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“We need to relearn how to get comfortable with being uncomfortable within safe conditions.” – Neal Conlon


In a thought-provoking and inspiring interview with Neal Conlon, we delved deep into the concept of “pressing forward” and its profound implications for personal and professional growth. Neal, a coach and advocate for personal transformation, shared valuable insights on how embracing this philosophy can lead to a more fulfilling and successful life. Neal Conlon’s insights on “pressing forward” offer a powerful message of hope and empowerment. His emphasis on self-trust, the removal of distractions, and the belief that everyone has greatness within them resonates with individuals seeking personal transformation and a more fulfilling life journey. Neal’s work as a coach and advocate serves as a beacon of inspiration, reminding us all that we can unlock our potential and make a positive impact on the world by pressing forward toward our greatness.

PS Don’t forget to play 2 Truths and a Lie


Here are my show notes: 

I fight for my dreams. (2:02)

The power of a prompt. (6:53)

The value of plant medicine. (13:38)

The importance of being ready for danger. (19:22)

How to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. (25:24)

The importance of having a clear vision. (32:11)

Press the damn button. (42:23)

The importance of recognizing your greatness. (48:03)

What does it mean to be an introvert to be great? (54:12)

The importance of trusting yourself. (1:01:35)



Your present circumstances don’t determine where you go; they merely determine where you start – Nido Qubein


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