Snippets of Genius with Caroline Kay

Hosted ByCaroline Kay

Snippets of Genius is a lighthearted business Podcast with some brilliant insights into how you can attract and cultivate success. In each episode GENIUS guests from the worlds of business development, marketing, design and wellness, share the ballsy, daring moves they made to burst opportunities wide open. Join Caroline Kay for a good old chit chat on how to decide, define, and develop anything you want in your career or business.

S7 EP2: Simona Barbieri: How to Redefine Networking with Fun and Energy.

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In 2019, I was touched by alchemy. Riding a train from London to York. Sharing a challenge with strangers was when I first learned about the energising, uplifting, international community of HubDot; and the Italian born force of nature that is Simona Barbieri. 

Little did I know that this connection would soon become an important part of my journey in entrepreneurship. 

Simona Barbieri, Founder of HubDot, and I met in London and immediately, I knew I’d found both a special concept and a kindred spirit. 

As I learned about her own journey from Naples to London and her passion about the transformative power of networking. And, her relentless work ethic to create a global movement and change lives. It was clear we had magic to create through the power of storytelling.

In this episode you’ll learn: 

  • How she turned her childhood dreams and scars into an empowering part of who she is
  • Why the negative feedback from a recruiter fuelled her to write 240 letters and the life changing moment she encountered. 
  • The value of YOUR own story to inspire and mobilise teams
  • How she wisely sees labels, job titles and differences as something we need to breakthrough to create a belonging in any space or place. 
  • Why she refuses to be labelled or put in a box and how important it is to be human!

Simona is a talent, creating transformations from the stage through stories and songs. I think you’ll really appreciate her invitation to honour who you are and give yourself permission to be the person you most want to be. 

While Simona is a jazz musician, a mum, an entrepreneur, and a proud Neapolitan, the conversation about rejection, perseverance and owning your story are relevant no matter what walk of life, country or industry you’re from. 

And, if you love hearing stories and connecting with passionate individuals as much as I do; join one of HubDots Free Online Piazza’s the last Tuesday of every month. 

To your success! 

Caroline x

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