Joseph Jaffe is Not Famous

Hosted ByJoseph Jaffe

Joseph Jaffe is Not Famous is Joseph Jaffe’s daily streaming show on all things business, marketing, creativity, culture, startups and entrepreneurship. Every weekday at 2pm EST, he streams live on Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube. Find out more and subscribe at JaffeJuice.TV

Shine: How Looking Inward Is the Key to Unlocking True Entrepreneurial Freedom with Rob Dube

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My mind is like a bad neighborhood; I try not to go there alone.” – Rob Dube 


In the bustling sphere of entrepreneurship, where the grind never ceases, and the pursuit of success seems never-ending, Rob Dube offers a revolutionary perspective that challenges the status quo. On a riveting episode of “Joseph Jaffe is not Famous,” Dube discusses his collaboration with Gino Wickman on the book “Shine,” a tome that delves into the entrepreneurial spirit’s heart and soul, urging leaders to seek a harmonious balance between their vigorous professional pursuits and the inner quest for peace. Rob, a visionary who’s traversed the peaks and valleys of entrepreneurial life, brings forth a counterintuitive approach: looking inward. Our discussion wasn’t just about success metrics; it ventured into the realms of mindfulness, self-awareness, and the transformative journey to inner peace — territories not often charted in business dialogues.

Some of the key highlights of the conversation included:

  • Discussing the importance of inner peace, mindfulness, and self-awareness for entrepreneurs.
  • Exploring concepts like “doing nothing”, intuition, fear vs. love in decision-making.
  • Addressing challenges like control issues, identity struggles, and finding purpose/happiness.
  • Emphasizing vulnerability, authenticity and being true to oneself as important leadership qualities.
  • Sharing insights from books like “Shine” and the journey of personal growth and mindfulness.
  • Having a lighthearted discussion while also exchanging thoughtful perspectives on life.


Here are the show notes: 

Personal growth, entrepreneurship, and leadership. (0:10)

The discomfort of being alone with one’s thoughts. (10:56)

Intuition and inner knowing in business decisions. (15:14)

The role of fear and love in decision-making. (20:33)

Entrepreneurial nightmares and finding inner peace. (24:09)

Entrepreneurship, control, and mindfulness. (30:15)

Self-awareness and authenticity. (35:02)

Self-importance and the fragility of life. (41:23)

Identity and meaning in entrepreneurship. (44:15)

Finding lasting happiness and purpose through mindfulness and growth. (48:37)

Vulnerability, authenticity, and leadership. (52:51)

Personal growth and self-awareness. (57:57)



“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”–Aristotle


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