Uncorking a Story

Hosted ByMike Carlon

Stories influence, teach and inspire us, but what about the storytellers who create them? Uncorking a Story profiles storytellers to uncover how their background and life experiences influence the stories they create. We learn what motivates them, their path to success, and what fuels them to keep creating. It all starts by asking one simple question, where does your story begin? Welcome to uncorking a story. All of the books promoted on Uncorking a Story can be viewed and purchased here: https://bookshop.org/shop/UncorkingaStory

Parts of Self, with Boo Trundle

Share the goodness!

Boo Trundle is a writer, artist, and performer whose work has appeared across various platforms and publications, including The Brooklyn Rail, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, and NPR’s The Moth. She has released three albums of original music with Big Deal Records and joined me on Uncorking a Story to talk about her first published novel, The Daughter Ship.

Key Themes

  1. Write in a way that is natural for you, not forced. Boo mentioned that the key to getting her first book published was to write the book in a way that came naturally to her, rather than trying to emulate how others write novels. She expressed that she had always attempted to write novels in a conventional manner like everyone else but eventually embraced her unique approach to storytelling. Trundle realized that by following her natural writing style, which involved exploring different perspectives and creatively navigating stories from various angles, she was able to craft a structurally inventive and one-of-a-kind book. The Daughter Ship was accepted by a publisher because of its uniqueness and how it reflected Trundle’s distinct way of thinking and storytelling, ultimately leading to its publication as her first novel.
  2. Writing is a passion. Boo mentioned that she was always imaginative and immersed in fantasy from a young age. However, she gave more serious thought to writing during high school when she received feedback from an English teacher, who indicated that her writing was unique, powerful, and deserving of energy and focus. 
  3. Finding support is important. Boo highlighted the significant impact of an English teacher who was described as kooky, open-minded, and encouraging. Her support and push for creativity (going “hog wild”), even amidst the challenges of using liquid white out for handwritten papers, ignited Boo’s passion for writing and exploring connections between books and personal growth.
  4. A long lasting relationship. Boo has a strong and enduring relationship with her agent who has been representing her for over twenty-five years. Boo expressed that her agent watched her progress and believed in her, understanding her as an author and appreciating her writing style—even though it took over two decades to sell one of Boo’s books to a publisher.. 
  5. Working on oneself. Boo mentioned that engaging in therapy while writing her book had a significant impact on her creative process. Combining therapy with her writing allowed everything to start to hum and come together in a way that greatly enhanced her storytelling. 

Buy The Daughter Ship

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3SGkAXE

Bookshop.org: https://bookshop.org/a/54587/9780593317297

Connect with Boo

Website: https://www.bootrundle.com/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bootrundle?lang=en

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bootrundle/?hl=en

Twitter: https://twitter.com/eliztrundle

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BooTrundle/

Connect with Mike

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