How To Streamline & Monetize Comment Moderation Using AI

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According to research from Microsoft, 74% report that their perception of a brand improves when it is clear the company responds to customers’ social media inquiries.

And yet, the average response rate for brands is only 7%!

Why are so many companies failing to engage with and deal with comments on social media? And more importantly, for agencies or large brands who are seeing tremendous volume, how are they supposed to keep up with and moderate all these comments?

That’s what Matthew McGrory is here to help us with.

Matthew McGrory is the CEO and co-founder of Arwen AI Limited, a tool to help enterprise brands revolutionize their social conversations. Arwen uses market-leading AI to put you in control of your social media paid and organic comments: automatically removing spam and toxic comments, detecting and managing negative comments, and spotting the opportunities to amplify the positive. Matt’s previous experiences include roles such as Data Centre Engineer, CIO, and Technology Sales Director.

The MarTech Show hosts Robin Dimond and Mike Allton will talk to Matthew McGrory about:

🔶Why brands need to stay on top of comments

🔶How technology can help and turn negatives into positives

🔶What brands and agencies need to prioritize

Register to tune in live and ask questions, then join the Social Media Pulse Community afterward to learn more!

Learn more about Matthew McGrory

Resources & Brands mentioned in this episode

Show Notes & Transcript:

Brought to you by Agorapulse: the #1 rated social media management solution.

Produced and Hosted by Mike Allton, Head of Strategic Partnerships at Agorapulse, alongside Robin Dimond, CEO and Founder of Fifth & Cor. If you’re interested in seeing your marketing technology solution featured on an upcoming episode, reach out to Mike.