Winfluence – The Influence Marketing Podcast

Hosted ByJason Falls

Want Instagrammers and YouTubers to mention your brand? Or do you want to influence an audience to buy your product? Winfluence – The Influence Marketing Podcast explores the world of influencer marketing from a strategic perspective to help your influence efforts align with driving business value. Host Jason Falls, author of the companion book Winfluence: Reframing Influence Marketing to Ignite Your Brand, interviews brand managers, agency strategists, software vendors and influencers themselves to uncover the art and science of influencing audiences to try, buy or think differently. There’s a difference between using influencers and actually influencing. Discover that difference and explore both online and offline influence on Winfluence.

What the Good and Bad Numbers on the Influencer Pay Gap Mean

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You can’t be involved in the influencer marketing space without hearing about, talking about or considering the influencer pay gap. When the topic first emerged, it referred to the disparity in pay between men and women who are content creators. Quickly, however, the influencer pay gap issue focused on the gap between white and non-white or BIPOC creators as well.

For a while in early 2021, it was almost all we talked about. Mind you, I’m not complaining. We were right to talk about it. And talk about it a lot. The more equitable and fair pricing and payment can be across influencer categories, the better. 

And it appears our conversations are having a positive impact on the gap. It is shrinking.

New data out from IZEA, which has been tracking pay disparity among influencers since 2015, shows another year of progress in closing the gaps. 

But when you look further at the data, more questions than answers emerge. It’s not time to celebrate yet. It is time to start asking deeper questions about the data so we’re not looking at false positives and missing hidden problems.

I’ll dig into it, and explain, in today’s commentary.

Today’s episode is sponsored by Tagger, a complete influencer marketing management solution. We talk to Tagger customers to get their insights on the platform and influence marketing. TJ Ferrara is one of those customers. He’s the co-founder of Bubs Naturals, a health and wellness family of products. I spoke to him recently about how he uses Tagger. 

To learn more and get a demo to see if Tagger is right for you, just visit today.

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