Leveraging Podcasts to Enhance Your Brand of Influence
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Winfluence is not a podcast about podcasts. There are plenty of those out there. I listen to 2-3 to keep myself informed about the tips and tricks, ideas and innovations in the space. There are far more qualified people out there sharing that type of content specific to genre.
Podcasts, however, are content creations of content creators who leverage those mechanisms to build audiences and influence. And so they fall squarely in the crosshairs of what we need to know and explore on the show. I’ve said before owned content mechanisms like blogs and podcasts, email newsletters and the like are an important category of creation influencers everywhere need to pay attention to.
In this episode, we’re going to hammer that home a bit.
One of the podcasts about podcasting I listen to is The Business of Podcasting. Christopher Hines, or The Coach Chris as he is known online, offers up short, informal but informational riffs on how to leverage podcasts to make money, drive value for your business and more. He mixes in an occasional guest and is just useful for new and emerging podcasters.
Chris is also the man behind the Personal Branding Playbook. Both shows are on the Marketing Podcast Network, which I run and Winfluence is a part of as well. Being exposed to Chris’s wisdom and straightforward coaching ideas compelled me to have him come on the show and share a bit of his knowledge with you, too.
Today we’ll talk about why you content creators need to consider podcast. Who may not need to. And then we’ll dive into the ways you can make money from your podcast.
Welcome to two new sponsors to Winfluence this month! Today’s episode is brought to you by Zencastr and Basecamp. I’m excited to tell you more about them, because I use them both. All the interviews I record for this show are captured with Zencastr. I’ve used it for years to capture high-quality audio over the web. It does high-quality video, too.
Zencastr records each guest locally … the file is saved to their computer … then it uploads the crystal clear audio and video right into a cloud folder and the Zencastr suite so you have high-quality raw materials to work with.
Get 30% off a pro account at zen.ai/winfluence.
And if you’re wondering how I keep all my work organized for this podcast and all the influence marketing strategies I’m working on for clients out there? That’s easy. Basecamp. I’ve been using it for project management and team communications for almost two decades.
Basecamp is all about simplicity. It’s designed to give you and your team the tools you need to get work done. Messages, to-dos, file storage, chat, calendar and more. Bring all-in-one project management to your business. There’s a 30-day free trial. You do not need a credit card to try it.
Go to jason.online/basecamp.
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