For Immediate Release

Hosted ByNeville Hobson and Shel Holtz

Neville Hobson and Shel Holtz analyze the news in digital and social media for communications professionals.

All Episodes

FIR #332: Wikipedia Editors in Tug-of-War over AI-Authored Articles

Worries about accuracy and disclosure are at the center of the debate.

FIR #331: AI Completes Tasks and Raises Fears

Newly released autonomous agents are a wonder to behold. Their potential is terrifying.

FIR #330: Help Wanted — Prompt Engineer

A cottage industry is emerging to help those who struggle crafting usable generative AI prompts

FIR #329: Post Once, Socialize Everywhere

The ActivityPub standard is gaining momentum. Could a federated model finally take on big social media?

FIR #328: What’s In Your Crypto Wallet?

Digital wallets are evolving. Communicators need to get up to speed.

FIR #327: Laid Off in the Comfort of Your Own Home

Zoom layoffs are becoming routine. Is that a good thing?

FIR #326: The (Metaverse) Winter of Our Discontent

Despite the doom-and-gloom headlines, the metaverse is still coming — and communicators still need to pay attention

FIR Interview: PRophet Founder and CEO Aaron Kwittken

While journalists are sick of spray-and-pray pitches and press releases, they...

FIR #325: Making AI-Generated Brand Magic

Coca-Cola Leverages OpenAI’s Generative AI Tools in Consumer Contest