Influence Global Podcast

Hosted ByGordon Glenister

Influence the Global podcast shines a spotlight on the influencer marketing industry. In these episodes you will hear from leading influencers, digital creators, influencer platforms, agencies, legal experts and brands who will share life experiences, insights and strategies to help you. Hosted by Gordon Glenister, Global Head of Influencer Marketing at the Branded Content Marketing Association (BCMA) who launched a new division, BCMA Influence, to support the influencer marketing industry. So if you want to find out more, subscribe to listen. Produced by Neil Whiteside at Freedom:One

All Episodes

S3 Ep14: Livestream Shopping Is Expanding Hugely; We Speak To Video Coach Dexter Moscow

In this episode we are talking livestream shopping with Dexter Moscow, video coach and author of Stand Up and Sell. Dexter has worked with many well known brands and been a former guest presenter for many years on the shopping channel QVC, a brand that now generates over $9bn in revenue. Big E-commerce platforms like Amazon and Alibaba have realised the value of influencers not as mere promoters but highly successful sales drivers. In 2020 Alibaba said it was recruiting 3m influencers, 100k in the first year and Amazon too have requested similar numbers to launch their Amazon influencer programme. Dexter talks about some of the qualities it takes to be a good sales person in a live environment. Some influencers like BeautybyCarla now promote themselves as Amazon Influencers, so what does the future hold for this rapidly growing area. I started by asking Dexter about how he started out in his career.


Presented by @gordonglenister

Produced by Neil Whiteside at Freedom:ONE

S3 Ep13: Mummy Blogger Helen Wills Talks About Major Brand Collaborations

In this episode we hear from Helen Wills who started her blog Actually Mummy in 2011. This was when she realised that talking to the four walls and a baby was never going to be enough. Since then she has earned a reputation as a professional and innovative writer, crafting stories and video for high profile brand campaigns such as Mark Warner, Universal Studios, Heinz and Tefal. Now a full time blogger, podcaster and presenter, Helen’s work has also led to some high profile speaking opportunities at Parliament, and with the BBC, which she says are the best part of her job! Check out Helen’s podcast Teenage Kicks on all podcast platforms.


Presented by @gordonglenister

Produced by Neil Whiteside at Freedom:ONE

S3 Ep12: Futurist Jeremy Scrivens Shares His Insights On The Social Room – Innovation Is The Future To Engage Employees

In this episode Gordon Glenister, Global Head of Influencer Marketing at the BCMA is joined by futurist Jeremy Scrivens as they talk about the future of work. Jeremy, based in Melbourne Australia, is passionate about embracing and unlocking employee potential through collaboration and innovation. He is a sought after speaker, transformation facilitator, culture catalyst and future of leadership coach. Jeremy has been recognised as one of the top 15 global influencers around #futureofwork by Silicon Republic and recognised by Onalytica in their global top 100 #futureofwork. He started by telling us a little about his background and more importantly his passion for the Social Room.


Presented by @gordonglenister

Produced by Neil Whiteside at Freedom:ONE

S3 Ep11: Mark Willams AKA Mr LinkedIn Shares His Secrets Of How LinkedIn Really Works

Mark Williams AKA ‘Mr LinkedIn’ joins Gordon Glenister, Global Head of Influencer Marketing at the BCMA, for this insightful look at the LinkedIn platform. Mark talks about the common mistakes that people make on the platform and what sort of content is resonating well with examples of Simon Bourne AKA the ‘Shoe Guy’ who sold premium high quality shoes but used engaging ‘behind-the-scenes’ storytelling to build his audience. Mark also talks about the challenges many organisations and indviduals face with the change in the algorithms, how by using relevant engagement and why commenting on articles is better than sharing others. There are loads more really useful tips so do check out this episode.


Presented by @gordonglenister

Produced by Neil Whiteside at Freedom:ONE

S3 Ep10: Podcasts Are Making A Big Difference To Wellness & Fitness Coaches & Influencers

David Perez is the host of the Audience Coach and specialises in helping coaches in the wellness and fitness industry in creating podcasts. David talks about some of the issues they face from poor audio content talking about very broad topics and a lack of strategy and measure the results. The number of podcasts in this sector has exploded since April 2020 and particularly around mental wellbeing. @lizmoody and @rachlmansfield have been some of the great success strories. David shares other examples in this insightful episode.


Presented by @gordonglenister

Produced by Neil Whiteside at Freedom:ONE

S3 Ep9: How Charities Are Working With Influencers

Flora Noble Digital Influencer manager at Oxfam talks about how influencers have been a growing part of the Oxfam communication strategy Many charities dont have a dedicated influencer marketing specialist and so having a dedicated person to develop these influencer relationships has been critical. Oxfam have a national campaign called #SecondhandSeptember which is aimed at helping create awareness for donated goods. Flora talks about how many of the influencers they partnered with had very positive comments from their followers about coming on the journey with them. And so working in this slightly different way the warmth that was coming through you from the engagement you cant really pay for. Influencers were invited into the Oxfam superstore where they have ethical sourced products, hub for the online shop. We were able to give them a back end tour a bit like a behind the scenes which made amazing content creation she says Find out more what Flora has to say.


Presented by @gordonglenister

Produced by Neil Whiteside at Freedom:ONE

S3 Ep8: How To Find Influencers With Authentic Engagement

Fake followers and fraudulent activity have been an issue for the influencer marketing industry. In this episode we discuss with one of the leading fraud detection influencer platforms, Hype Auditor how you can work with the right influencers and avoid those with high levels of fake following. CEO Alexander Frolov also shares his thoughts on engagement pods, artificial intelligence, and trends around technology affecting this rapidly growing industry.


Presented by @gordonglenister

Produced by Neil Whiteside at Freedom:ONE

S3 Ep7: A Deep Dive Into The Difference Between An Influencer And A Person Of Influence

Gordon Glenister, Global Head of Influencer Marketing at the BCMA, talks with influencer marketing veteran Jason Falls about promoting excellence in influencer marketing. ‘PR man’ Jason talks about some of the changes in the sector, including a decline in trust of traditional media and people turning to social media for entertainment and news. Jason talks about our ‘circle of influence’ and how anyone can be an influencer and the job of a marketer to find these people of influence. In his book, WINFLUENCE, Jason defines the difference between an influencer and a person of influence. An influencer has an audience, however, they may not be influential if they dont engage with them.


Presented by @gordonglenister

Produced by Neil Whiteside at Freedom:ONE

S3 Ep6: How Purecane Developed Its Brand Identity With Influencers And Reach Over 12% Engagement

Founder of MG Empower, a global influencer agency, Maira Genovese, talks about how she helped Amaris create a new sweetener brand solely using influencers, first in Brazil and then in the US. This exercise involved taking a variety of influencers for a 5 day brand development retreat with brand experts onsite and involving the influencers audiences in the whole process. The engagement from the followers was tremendous but there were incredible insights that helped refine ideas for this exciting new brand. The future opportutnies for co-creation of brands with influencers are endless, find out more about this amazing success story. You can also find more information in the case study page:


Presented by @gordonglenister

Produced by Neil Whiteside at Freedom:ONE