Own It

Hosted ByChristy Hiler

We’re buying out of the ad industry boys’ club. Hosted by Cornett owner Christy Hiler, Own It lifts up the stories of women and nonbinary ad agency owners: their challenges, their successes, and their goals for the industry. We’re aiming to start a movement—because you don’t have the power until you own it.

All Episodes

How Laura Petruccelli from nice&frank, Owns It

This week on Own It, we’re talking to Laura Petruccelli from...

How Jessica Dimcevski from Blurr Bureau, Owns It

This week on Own It we’re talking to Jessica Dimcevski from Blurr Bureau. It...

How Molly Rice from Spyglass, Owns It

This week on Own It, we’re talking to Molly Rice from...

How Hope Farley from Adolescent Content, Owns It

This week on Own It, we’re talking to Hope Farley from...

How Tori Nygren of Hogwash Studios, Owns It

This week on Own It, we’re talking to Tori Nygren of...

How Lauren Buckley, Allie Fendrick and Kate Meehan of the Hush Collaborative, Own It

This week on Own It, we’re talking to three owners all...

How Randi Matthews of Multi-Hyphen Media, Owns It

This week on Own It, we’re talking to Randi Matthews of...

How Shruti Dang of Dang, Owns It

This week on Own It, we’re talking to Shruti Dang from...

How Molly Lopez of Sparo, Owns It

This week on Own It, we’re talking to Molly Lopez from...