Marketing With Empathy

How do I focus my brand storytelling strategy to get people aligned and make work less overwhelming and confusing? How do I create a brand storytelling framework and prove the value of brand storytelling? What content should my brand talk about, and where should we look for insights? How can I be more creative, and confidently sell-in my ideas without feeling like an imposter? Is influencer marketing right for my brand? What are great brand storytelling examples? Are there brand blog best practices I’m missing? And—how do I more confidently listen to my inner-voice for a more joy-filled (a.k.a. saner) life? Welcome to the Marketing With Empathy podcast where we answer ALL of this and more!

136. REI’s Premium Content Arm: Co-op Studios

EP 136. REI’s Divisional VP of Brand Marketing, Paolo Mottola, returns to give an inside look at how their internal content arm for premium brand storytelling content works. Creating films, podcasts, feature length content and more.     SHOW NOTES:     Take Sarah’s FREE QUIZ: Ready to Improve Your Content Strategy?   Discover which…

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135. REI’s new #OptOutside Summer Campaign – Paolo Mottola

EP 135. Paolo Mottola, the divisional VP of brand marketing at REI co-op, joins Sarah to give a behind-the-scenes look at REI’s newest Summer #OptOutside campaign + why they lean into storytelling and advice for brands navigating the current tough economy. REI is an outdoor retailer and the largest consumer co-op in the U S…

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134. Branded Quiz Tips from my Quiz Coach – Helen Munshi (part 3)

Create quizzes that generate thousands of ready-to-buy leads. Sarah chats with her Quiz Coach, Helen Munshi, to clarify key quiz funnel aspects you need to remember when making your own branded quizzes as part of your content marketing strategy. Get Helen’s free video training below. + Don’t forget to take Sarah’s new “Are you Ready to Improve Your Content Strategy”? QUIZ for actionable tips to help improve your company’s content at link below.

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133. Interact’s AI Quiz Maker – Josh Haynam (part 2)

[Part 2 of 3 quiz mini-series] Josh Haynam, Co-Founder & CEO of the popular quiz platform, Interact, joins Sarah to share ideas of how to use quizzes to advance a variety of things across your business. + Interact’s new AI quiz maker. Don’t forget to take Sarah’s new “Are you Ready to Improve Your Content Strategy”? QUIZ (hosted on Interact) for actionable tips to help improve your company’s content at link below.

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132. What You Can Learn from My First Quiz (part 1)

BTS of Sarah’s first quiz creation journey and how she’s integrating into her content strategy. What Sarah learned from her “Quiz Coach”: defining audience segments; crafting engaging questions; which quiz platform she recommends; and upcoming quiz expert guests. Take Sarah’s new “Are you Ready to Improve Your Content Strategy”? QUIZ for actionable tips to help improve your company’s content at link below.

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131. Building Niche Masterminds for Growth & Engagement

EP 131. Being a marketer is hard. Matt Banker joins host, Sarah Panus, to share a behind-the-scenes of his company’s very successful niche mastermind program for accounting firm owners. How you can use this same approach to engage and grow your career, your team’s skills, or your customer’s engagement! How it works, what’s the content…

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130. This AI-Data Engine is Your Brand’s Empathy Secret Weapon – Ian Baer, Sooth

EP 130. Understanding what your customer needs from you emotionally is a NOW thing. Ian Baer from Sooth returns for part 2 conversation around the new AI-data engine that can quickly give your company its empathy secret weapon to unlock the formula for an emotional connection to your brand. Increasing customer value 4x, and loyalty…

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129. Gen Z Doesn’t Buy Things, They Buy Inspiration – Ian Baer, Sooth

EP 129. Guest expert, Ian Baer joins Sarah Panus to talk all things Gen Z. This generation doesn’t shop for things — they shop for inspiration and this is often found across some really novel areas that require an empathetic marketing strategy. As they grow to become America’s dominant generation, understanding the emotional difference in…

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128. Decode Consumer Buying Behavior – Mary Mathes, Alpha-Diver

EP 128. You’re not a mind reader so it can be hard knowing what your customers want from you. A neuroscience approach to understanding the 4 drivers and 5 barriers behind why people buy (or don’t buy) from you.  Director of Data Insights for Alpha-Diver, Mary Mathes joins to help you think about ways you…

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127.  Social: 5 Steps to Attract More Leads & Get Unstuck in 1 Hour a Week – Karlyn Ankrom

EP 127. Social media marketing is powerful, but frustrating to always keep up with. So how can you use it to attract more leads? And if you’re looking for time efficiencies, how can you get your social planning unstuck in just one hour a week? Guest, Karlyn Ankrom answers both of these questions, and she…

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