Marketing With Empathy

How do I focus my brand storytelling strategy to get people aligned and make work less overwhelming and confusing? How do I create a brand storytelling framework and prove the value of brand storytelling? What content should my brand talk about, and where should we look for insights? How can I be more creative, and confidently sell-in my ideas without feeling like an imposter? Is influencer marketing right for my brand? What are great brand storytelling examples? Are there brand blog best practices I’m missing? And—how do I more confidently listen to my inner-voice for a more joy-filled (a.k.a. saner) life? Welcome to the Marketing With Empathy podcast where we answer ALL of this and more!

145. Mobile Marketing to Moms – Jennie Lewis, Airship

EP 145. Moms are on the move all the time, so mobile marketing is important for your brand. Jennie Lewis of Airship, joins Sarah in this episode to talk about ways to improve brand apps and the mobile web experience. What to look for and ask for in the first 30 days + other factors…

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144. My 3 Storytelling Pillars and How to Pick Yours

EP 144. “What should we talk about this year?” To help answer this in your content marketing plans, Sarah Panus teaches you how to pick your brand’s 3 storytelling pillars – and shares her own new company pillars. LEARN: Why 3 is the magic number. What phase of the content planning process you pick these?…

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143. Engage Moms With Enriching Video Content – Matt Cornelison, FUNGI Media

EP 143. Award-winning visual storyteller and agency owner, Matt Cornelison of FUNGI Media, shares ways brands can engage moms with enriching video content marketing. Listen to hear about 3 brands doing this well, employees as influencers, the perfect recipe of convenience + enriching or entertaining content, humor moms appreciate, shared content libraries, and ways to…

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142. Bumpin Blends Smoothies Simplify Life for Busy Moms – Lisa Mastela

EP 142.  Moms decide what she and others around her eat.  Guest, Lisa Mastela, MPH, RD is the CEO of Bumpin Blends, frozen smoothie cubes that caters to moms. Lisa launched the company during maternity leave from her garage & has grown it into a 7-figure business available online, in Costco and 3,000+ stores. Originally…

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141. Storytelling Tips for Home Industry Success – Ericka Saurit

EP 141.  Women make a majority of decisions in the home industry. There’s a lot of products and services sold in the home industry from interior designers to manufacturers and retailers. So what marketing and storytelling works best in the home industry? Home expert and agency owner, Ericka Saurit, walks us through her E3 Storytelling…

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140. SEO Tips to Capture the Attention of Moms – Lorianna Sprague, SEO Expert

SEO techniques to help your brand better reach and engage more mom customers. Guest, Lorianna Sprague is an SEO expert and founder and CEO of Upfront Mktg, and joins host, Sarah Panus, to share tips to think about in your brand’s SEO practices to better capture the attention of moms. Moms control a significant portion of household purchases, making them a critical audience for many brands. Tune in to explore how your brand can leverage SEO to reach these influential consumers, discussing strategies like keyword optimization, local SEO, importance of mobile with moms, and creating authentic, valuable content, so you can grow your brand with empathy.

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139. Reach Moms Locally: MoCo Mom Community – Kiley Stromberg

How can you help more moms on a local level? Kiley Stromberg, the founder of MoCo Mom shares how she’s making a difference for moms in Moore County, North Carolina, by providing crucial resources, fostering a supportive environment, and addressing challenges local mothers face. Ideas and opportunities for brands looking to connect with moms at a local level. 

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138. ANNOUNCEMENT: Marketing to Moms Pivot

Host, Sarah Panus, has a big announcement about a pivot this podcast is making. Marketing With Empathy is niching down to focus specifically on Marketing With Empathy — to Moms! It will now be the podcast for brands that want to target and engage moms. Listen to Sarah’s quick announcement and what to expect going forward.

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137. Inside Forum for Naturals Community – Ted Ning

Forum for Naturals community founder, Ted Ning shares advice to help brands build and nurture engaged communities. Approaching it like a science experiment, Ted shares learnings, mistakes, listening, and high-level thinking he’s learned to build and grow successful communities for marketers and sustainability leaders. Sarah and Ted explore the motivations behind creating and nurturing communities, the value of identifying a brand promise, the importance of active listening, and the pivotal role of super users. Want to build or grow your own brand community? Listen to Ted’s first-hand journey and expertise.

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136. REI’s Premium Content Arm: Co-op Studios

EP 136. REI’s Divisional VP of Brand Marketing, Paolo Mottola, returns to give an inside look at how their internal content arm for premium brand storytelling content works. Creating films, podcasts, feature length content and more.     SHOW NOTES:     Take Sarah’s FREE QUIZ: Ready to Improve Your Content Strategy?   Discover which…

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