For Immediate Release

Hosted ByNeville Hobson and Shel Holtz

Neville Hobson and Shel Holtz analyze the news in digital and social media for communications professionals.

All Episodes

FIR #322: If Not Twitter, Then Where?

Twitter plays some unique roles. Are any alternatives equipped to take them over?

FIR #320: The Chorebots of 2033

The fusion of AI and robotics doesn’t seem so far-fetched anymore, does it?

FIR #319: Return to Work Mandates Damage Engagement and Productivity

Declining productivity and engagement rates coincide with requirements to come back to the office

FIR #318: AI, Mastodon, the Metaverse — Headlines vs. Reality

These technologies are advancing just fine, regardless of the media’s doom and gloom

FIR #317: The Rise of the De-Influencer

The backlash to influencer marketing has arrived, and it’s gaining popularity

FIR #316: Back to Blogging

Social media sucks. Can we get back to the genteel days of the blogospohere?

FIR #315: Does Every Company Need a CCO?

The time is right for chief communications officers to take their seat at the table

FIR #314: Show Or Tell?

New research finds that spoken and written recommendations are not perceived equally

FIR #313: Will Gen Z Finally Kill Email?

It’s old. It’s clunky. It’s insecure. Can a tech-savvy generation help business move on?