FIR #322: If Not Twitter, Then Where?
Twitter plays some unique roles. Are any alternatives equipped to take them over?
The Marketing Podcast Network is a collective of marketing and business-centric podcasts with a shared purpose to support one another with promotions, resources and revenue sharing.
Neville Hobson and Shel Holtz analyze the news in digital and social media for communications professionals.
Twitter plays some unique roles. Are any alternatives equipped to take them over?
The fusion of AI and robotics doesn’t seem so far-fetched anymore, does it?
Declining productivity and engagement rates coincide with requirements to come back to the office
These technologies are advancing just fine, regardless of the media’s doom and gloom
The backlash to influencer marketing has arrived, and it’s gaining popularity
Social media sucks. Can we get back to the genteel days of the blogospohere?
The time is right for chief communications officers to take their seat at the table
New research finds that spoken and written recommendations are not perceived equally
It’s old. It’s clunky. It’s insecure. Can a tech-savvy generation help business move on?