Marketing With Empathy

Hosted BySarah Panus

How do I focus my brand storytelling strategy to get people aligned and make work less overwhelming and confusing? How do I create a brand storytelling framework and prove the value of brand storytelling? What content should my brand talk about, and where should we look for insights? How can I be more creative, and confidently sell-in my ideas without feeling like an imposter? Is influencer marketing right for my brand? What are great brand storytelling examples? Are there brand blog best practices I’m missing? And—how do I more confidently listen to my inner-voice for a more joy-filled (a.k.a. saner) life? Welcome to the Marketing With Empathy podcast where we answer ALL of this and more!

All Episodes

149. 8 Unexpected Industries Moms Have Big Buying Power

Moms care about more than parenting-specific brands. Host, Sarah Panus, reveals eight unexpected industries where moms drive purchasing decisions.

148. Inside Nickelodeon’s Approach to Engaging Moms and Kids

EP 148. Inside look at how Nickelodeon approached marketing to moms and kids; capturing hearts and minds. Moms drive purchases of family experiences. Rob Garay is back to share his experiences working with Nickelodeon Recreation, a sector responsible for overseeing Broadway shows, the Nickelodeon Cruise, Nickelodeon Hotel, and other initiatives beyond television production.

147. Psychology Behind Marketing to Women – Rob Garay (part 1)

EP 147. What’s the psychology behind marketing and what questions should...

146. Secrets to Repeatedly Selling Out Children’s Events in North Carolina

Local business spotlight: Paul Spring shares his secrets for repeatedly selling out more than 300 children’s events in North Carolina for his Birthday Party Rockstar and Rockstar Bubbles companies. From magic to foam; texting to google reviews; Facebook groups to local mommy blogs; referrals to repeat business – learn how Paul’s successfully selling to more moms.

145. Mobile Marketing to Moms – Jennie Lewis, Airship

EP 145. Moms are on the move all the time, so...

144. My 3 Storytelling Pillars and How to Pick Yours

EP 144. “What should we talk about this year?” To help...

143. Engage Moms With Enriching Video Content – Matt Cornelison, FUNGI Media

EP 143. Award-winning visual storyteller and agency owner, Matt Cornelison of...

142. Bumpin Blends Smoothies Simplify Life for Busy Moms – Lisa Mastela

EP 142.  Moms decide what she and others around her eat....

141. Storytelling Tips for Home Industry Success – Ericka Saurit

EP 141.  Women make a majority of decisions in the home...