Own It

Hosted ByChristy Hiler

We’re buying out of the ad industry boys’ club. Hosted by Cornett owner Christy Hiler, Own It lifts up the stories of women and nonbinary ad agency owners: their challenges, their successes, and their goals for the industry. We’re aiming to start a movement—because you don’t have the power until you own it.

All Episodes

How Asmirh Davis, founding partner and chief strategy officer of Majority, Owns It

Atlanta-based Majority isn’t an agency with a mission, but a mission with an agency. Christy Hiler interviews the woman behind the firm.

How Jean Freeman, Owner and CEO of Zambezi Owns It

Los Angeles-based Zambezi is the largest female-owned agency in America. CEO and owner Jean Freeman talks to Christy Hiler about how to Own It.