The Fuel Podcast

Hosted ByKeith Smith

Interviews with leaders of companies from all areas of business on how they generate sales. What tactics do they use for their particular industry and how can you learn new tricks for your industry – all delivered with a jaunty perspective for your listening enjoyment!

All Episodes

Clare Sutton – Clarion Comms: Food & Drink industry Special

The latest innovations and trends in the food, drink and hospitality sector

Sarah Jenkins – Saatchi & Saatchi: The British are Coming!

How Diversity & Inclusion are fueling a creative new wave

Simon Raybould: Be a better public speaker

Simon Raybould: Be a better public speaker

Mark Stringer: It’s easy being Green

The gamification solution to global warming

Jack Williams – ACNE London: The Winnable Pitch

Helping clients see round corners and the science if winning pitches

Nils Leonard: Uncommonly Creative

How come the advertising industry created its own ‘Skip’ button? The Pantone 286C edition

After Dark: Nick Galanides: Awards – Huh! What are they good for?

The Will Smith Chris Rock slapsies incident caused us all to wonder if awards dos are really worth the aggro

Ian Murray – House 51: Uncovering the hard truths Pt3

Research questioning techniques, gamifying campaigns, The Dictator Game, Cadbury’s Smash and Dexy’sIan Murray – the research genius behind ‘Gut Instinct’, ‘The Empathy Delusion’ and ‘The Aspiration Window’, reveals some of the secrets to his research methods, including how to gamify products in order to get the best responses. Ian also demonstrates the perfect questioning techniques that help brands understand their customers and also discusses the incredible exercise – The Dictator Game, revealing all our hidden biases. We finally get to play ‘Show & Tell’ and Ian reveals his all-time favourite music track and book.