The Fuel Podcast

Hosted ByKeith Smith

Interviews with leaders of companies from all areas of business on how they generate sales. What tactics do they use for their particular industry and how can you learn new tricks for your industry – all delivered with a jaunty perspective for your listening enjoyment!

All Episodes

Ben Salmon – Crank: You’re Doing eCommerce All Wrong!

Ben Salmon makes eCommerce fun! The differences between mobile and desktop consumers. eCommerce measurement maturity. How to prioritise your digital spend. Digital Revenue as a percentage of Total Revenue for annual reports.

Andy Nairn – Lucky Generals: Working Class Hero

The definition of luck, alternative creative strategies, how Commercial Break organization helps widen the creative talent pool, how to on-board working class talent, is the creative industry too left wing? What makes a great client,

David Bancroft – Tech 23: Will HR ever be the same?

The value of LinkedIn, how to develop a network, HR industry growth and challenges, opportunities in cyber & crypto, equality and sales management.

Ian Truscott – RockstarCMO: Is content marketing all it’s cracked up to be?

Content marketing is one of the most effective tools for cold new business prospecting. Ian is one of the industry’s leading experts and this show will uncover all the tips and tricks for you.

Nick Vivion – Ghostworks PR: A Technomad’s Tale

How to run a successful PR business from a recreational vehicle, cryptocurrency, entrepreneurs, forest-bathing, work-life balance and how to ask for business.

Hank Blank 4: Time to get networking!

How the pandemic has changed agency pitching in the USA and how it’s a different set of protocols to the UK. Hankisms and the problems of finding and retaining talent.

Nick Looby & David Bell – The Business Breakfast Show: Broadcasting for new business

Modern Zombies, The Business Breakfast Show, why do we need to read, how tech can help us sell more. Nick & Dave in the house to teach us all how to put on some razzle dazzle to win business!

Tim Lindsay – D&AD: Creative greatness & New Blood

The Chairman of the D&AD on preserving the integrity of the Pencils, equality and social responsibility in the creative industry and how to avoid elitism. Also Tim’s Top 3 greatest commercials of all time.

Ted Rubin – The Emotional Connection: How networking drives sales

Ted is a leading Social Marketing Strategist with millions of social media followers in his network. How does he leverage his influencer power to further his business objectives? Ted shares some of his secrets to help you supercharge your sales strate…