The Fuel Podcast

Hosted ByKeith Smith

Interviews with leaders of companies from all areas of business on how they generate sales. What tactics do they use for their particular industry and how can you learn new tricks for your industry – all delivered with a jaunty perspective for your listening enjoyment!

Mike Veitch: Your Digital DNA

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Marketing budgets are increasing, and yet creative spend is decreasing.

Clients want more creative for less.

This podcast teaches you how to find those efficiencies, using working examples in the retail and B2B sector.

My guest is Michael Veitch, ex-Saatchi & Saatchi New Zealand and a seasoned digital master, whose new company OutcomePath helps companies across all sectors find their online MOJO.

He explains why copying the competition can be one of the easiest mistakes to make; ignoring your organisation’s DNA can become costly and is sometimes fatal. We examine what happened at The Body Shop and how disaster could have been avoided.

Mike also has some wonderful advice for anyone looking to acquire and relaunch the retailer, as well as providing handy tips for measuring your company’s online performance and making sure it matches the offline experience.


Mike’s LinkedIn profile here:

OutcomePath web site here:

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