For Immediate Release

Hosted ByNeville Hobson and Shel Holtz

Neville Hobson and Shel Holtz analyze the news in digital and social media for communications professionals.

All Episodes

FIR #294: What Hath Elon Wrought?

Interbrand is advising companies to pause Twitter advertising. Here’s why.

FIR #293: Big Changes at Wikipedia

Non-Wiki Tech Will Make Life Easier for New Volunteer Editors

FIR #292: The Sure And Steady Evolution of NFTs

From Anthony Hopkins to a San Diego car wash, savvy creators are experimenting and succeeding

FIR #291: Adding AI to Applications

Standalone AI tools are fun but baking them into larger applications is where the real benefits happen

FIR #290: Alas, Poor GIF, We Knew You Well

Time is running out for the venerable GIF

FIR #289: Bloggers, AI, and the Future of PR

A New Blogger Survey, DALL-E 2 Coming to Office 365, and More

FIR #288: A Humanoid Robot Artist Gives Testimony

Ai-Da’s work hangs in a museum, raising all kinds of questions

FIR #287: Internal Podcasts Gain Momentum

Driven by the pandemic, communicators and leaders turned to podcasts to create connection

FIR #286: Managers Believe Remote Work Produces Lower Productivity

Study Finds Huge Gap Between Perceptions of Workers and Bosses