THE Step You CANNOT Skip In Business
Create Success From Day 1
The Marketing Podcast Network is a collective of marketing and business-centric podcasts with a shared purpose to support one another with promotions, resources and revenue sharing.
Join me, Tania Dakka, each week as we journey through stories and actionable advice to help business owners like you build your legend through mindset, marketing, and messaging. In each episode, not only will we uncover what it takes to build your legend, but we'll also dive into small ways that heroes like you can give back. We'll cover conservation, humanitarian, and other global good topics at the end of each episode to help us all do a little bit better. Because we're not here just to make a dollar, we're here to make a difference. Learn more at
Create Success From Day 1
Meet Heather Wylde, Ethical Sales Coach
Jason Miller, author (Real Sorcery, Consorting With the Spirits, Protection &...
With Special Guest Alex Tempest
What To Do When Life Knocks You Off Course
How To Properly Use Emotion In Your Copy
Power Through Doubt & Fear To Build Your Legend
Master This And You’ll Build Your Legend Faster
THE Trait You Need To Build Your Legend