Marketing With Empathy

Hosted BySarah Panus

How do I focus my brand storytelling strategy to get people aligned and make work less overwhelming and confusing? How do I create a brand storytelling framework and prove the value of brand storytelling? What content should my brand talk about, and where should we look for insights? How can I be more creative, and confidently sell-in my ideas without feeling like an imposter? Is influencer marketing right for my brand? What are great brand storytelling examples? Are there brand blog best practices I’m missing? And—how do I more confidently listen to my inner-voice for a more joy-filled (a.k.a. saner) life? Welcome to the Marketing With Empathy podcast where we answer ALL of this and more!

All Episodes

19. Influence vs. Influencer Marketing, with Jason Falls

What’s the difference between influence vs. influencer marketing? Social media, influencer and tech expert, Jason Falls, joins Sarah and shares excerpts from his new book, Winfluence.   SHOW NOTES: INSTAGRAM:       SIGN…

18. 8 Favorite E-Newsletters for Creative Inspiration

Sarah shares eight of her favorite e-newsletters. What she likes about each of them, and how you can sign up if any sound interesting and creativity-inspiring to you.  

17. Micro and Nano Influencer Marketing — Kelly Olexa, Lumanu

What brands should avoid to be successful with influencers; micro and nano influencers; paid social distribution; measurement & Kelly’s mistake you can learn from.

16. All Things Video Storytelling with Emmy-Winner Jesse Roesler, CREDO NONFICTION

Emmy-winning filmmaker, Jesse Roesler joins Sarah to discuss: Authenticity in storytelling; Documentary film; How to find great stories; When to use video; Components of emotional filmmaking; Power of music/sound; Brands as publishers & filmmakers; Best practices for brands partnering w/filmmakers.

15. Power of the Words We Use

Can replacing the words you use to describe things improve your mood, reduce stress and increase productivity? Sarah shares advice on how to rephrase your words to have more positive outputs in life.  SHOW NOTES: INSTAGRAM:   …

14. Can the StoryBrand Process Help You Do Brand Storytelling Better? with Katie Lantukh

Using the StoryBrand process/framework to educate and inspire you to think creatively about your brand storytelling plans, with guest Katie Lantukh, of Murphy Marketing. SHOW NOTES: INSTAGRAM:      LINKEDIN:      SIGN…

13. Non-Profit Video Storytelling Tips with Mary Knox Miller, Harvard & Entrepreneur

Why and how you can add video to your organization’s communications toolkit. Sarah’s conversation with video storytelling expert and coach, Mary Knox Miller of Harvard Business School and owner of   SHOW NOTES:   …

12. How to Be More Creative Using Boundaries — Deanna Cioppa, Contently

Want to be even more creative? Looking for inspiration in future content planning sessions?  Deanna Cioppa, Director of Strategy Services at Contently, joins Sarah in this episode to discuss why boundaries are actually good for creativity;…

11. 9 Content Marketing & Brand Storytelling Trends for 2021

How can your brand incorporate these nine brand storytelling trends into your content strategy plans?