Marketing With Empathy

Hosted BySarah Panus

How do I focus my brand storytelling strategy to get people aligned and make work less overwhelming and confusing? How do I create a brand storytelling framework and prove the value of brand storytelling? What content should my brand talk about, and where should we look for insights? How can I be more creative, and confidently sell-in my ideas without feeling like an imposter? Is influencer marketing right for my brand? What are great brand storytelling examples? Are there brand blog best practices I’m missing? And—how do I more confidently listen to my inner-voice for a more joy-filled (a.k.a. saner) life? Welcome to the Marketing With Empathy podcast where we answer ALL of this and more!

All Episodes

84. 3 Marketing Tactics to Grow Your Brand Podcast – Erik Jacobson, Lemonpie & Hatch CEO

Tested & proven techniques to attract more people to grow your podcast show. Podcasting guru and CEO, Erik Jacobson, shares a smart upper, mid, and low funnel tactical approach to podcasting to help you plan how your brand podcast best supports your content marketing funnel, and drives the best ROI. PLUS, three tested & proven techniques to attract more people to grow your podcast show.

83. How Sleep Number Grew Storytelling – Lisa Bailey

Revised Rerun- Sleep Number didn’t always have the support it does today to do brand storytelling. And, they didn’t know it would drive top ROI results either. Sarah and Lisa Bailey reflect on how you can track the results of your own brand storytelling; how quickly or slowly you should test the waters; and what they’d do differently that you can learn from.

82. Do Mental Rehearsal to Set Yourself Up for Success – Mindi Huebner

Can you hack your brain to be more creative & successful in your career? Mindset Mastery Coach, Mindi Huebner helps us explore a twist on “fake it till you make it” that might surprise you and become your secret sauce for maximum outcomes at work and in life.

81. The One Way to Monetize Your Brand Podcast

Sarah outlines the one way to monetize your brand podcast. Don’t miss this in your content marketing and brand storytelling podcast plans.

80. Content Measurement: How Brand Storytelling Saves Money

You’re always asked to prove how much money you’re generating. Sarah shares how to think about what it’s SAVING for your next monthly metrics dashboard.

79. Ask Your SEO Agency These Content Questions

SEO is a gold mine of insights for your brand storytelling plans. Tips to improve your brand storytelling content plans and strategy with your SEO Agency.

78. Disrupt an Industry + Direct Mail in Digital– Dave Fink, Postie (former Dollar Shave Club)

Stand out in your industry. First-hand account of what it was like the first five years of Dollar Shave Club’s explosive disruption in the razor industry? What did they do to make their story resonate w/their audience? And, how to use direct mail in the digital age through advanced metric-driven company, Postie. CEO Dave Fink unpacks his experiences to help you in your business.

77. Red Wing Shoe Co. Embraces Positive Side of Cultural Tension Moments– Aaron Seymour-Anderson

BTS look at 3 storytelling campaigns: Out of Fashion since 1905, Wall of Honor, and #LaborDayOn.

76. Are You Too Scared to Imagine Your Success?

How can you mirror super-confident people to unlock the next level of our own confidence to excel in our careers and personal lives? How much do you believe in yourself? There’s something about people who are so confident they get what they want—even though they aren’t as qualified. What is it about people like Anna Delvey and Barry Bremen? And how can we drink just a bit more of the kool-aid they’re taking to unlock the next level of our own confidence to excel in our careers and personal lives?