The Fuel Podcast

Hosted ByKeith Smith

Interviews with leaders of companies from all areas of business on how they generate sales. What tactics do they use for their particular industry and how can you learn new tricks for your industry – all delivered with a jaunty perspective for your listening enjoyment!

All Episodes

Neal Schaffer: The power of influencer marketing

From the master of influencer marketing – Neal Schaffer. Which industries stand to gain the most from influencer activity? Overcoming the teething problems of influencer marketing, the difference between social selling and influencer marketing,

Francis Ingham – PRCA: The post-pandemic PR industry

Good and bad consumer and corporate reactions to the pandemic; the future of the PRCA; PR start-ups, digital transformation; empathy is a business model.

Kate Bradley Chernis – Lately AI: How to recycle digital content for maximum effect

Making your digital content work hard for you. The art of interviewing, the future of music streaming, the stress of toxic workplaces, developing a hard shell in business.

Simon Raybould – Aware Plus: The secrets of great presentations

How to make a point when telling a story. Hygiene factors of presenting. Story telling with truth. Why introverts make great presenters. Working on your weak spots

John Espirian: Author, Content DNA – The stairway to LinkedIn heaven

The benefits of using video, stop liking and start commenting, why view counts are misleading, optimising your profile, how to sign up for John’s LinkedIn leaders course, how to prune your network, the five best content types,

Ian Farrar – Far North: Personal branding & the rise of the SME

Develop your own personal brand, basic rules of sales & marketing for SMEs, Innovative coaching ideas, Is TV advertising dead? Karma-driven business models, sweary bunnies and hot curries.

Andrew Morgan – Wayout Consulting: 5 basic rules of new business

Why vision and values mean so much, getting buy-in from the top, telling stories to drive sales, using content to create awareness, planning for inspiration, the importance of being yourself, top three non-digital new business-winning strategies.

Alex Sibille – Co-Founder, The Future Factory: Makin’ it rain!

Why marketing needs to work off a new business plan. How to create a new business plan. What makes TFF people different & getting trapped in an elevator with Elon Musk.

Jorn Socquet – CEO, Fluent Beverages: Innovating in the CBD drinks industry

Launching Cannabis products, the role of marketing, content marketing and social media, the death of the 30-second commercial, the benefits of influencer marketing, how to address stress, horses as marketers & how to manage complex agency relationships